Letters from Bishop Huntington - Oct 13 - 4

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I & not Brother Seelye was President, it w'd
be Amherst officially[?] the year round! But somehow
it w'd not be well[?], or else it w'd be: for I
am an optimist, so far. I believe in God, & God
is good: & there is no good but in Him, & of
Him. -- Do you ever find a fringed gentian?
If you do, keep it, for me. There is no flower that
is more lovely on earth, & none that has in its bloom[?]
more of Heaven: -- the year's last & sweetest blossom.

I keep on writing because it is so pleasant.
But I will stop, & see neither the valley
nor you. But I shall try to see both
in Nov. James is at home again. All are
busy as bees with work & study.

"In haste but most truly," F.D.H.